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/ Clinton - Portrait of Victory / PORTRAIT OF VICTORY.BIN / clintmac / audio

Audio & Music (10)
cnvntin.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m6s 1MB 1992-11-28
debates.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m21s 2MB 1992-11-28
exitm.aif Audio Interchange File Format 8s 185KB 1992-12-05
finale.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m18s 2MB 1992-11-28
krmrex.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m55s 3MB 1992-11-28
ontherd.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m5s 1MB 1992-11-28
open.aif Audio Interchange File Format 34s 759KB 1992-12-05
pfstory.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m34s 2MB 1992-11-30
primari.aif Audio Interchange File Format 1m8s 2MB 1992-11-28
rsblatt.aif Audio Interchange File Format 3m32s 5MB 1992-12-06